
A No BS Marketing Service to Grow Your Detailing Business

We’ll do the heavy lifting to create your website and rank it on the first page of Google so you can get more leads and customers. 

Learn About Detailers Growth Service and Book a Call

Here’s what you get…

✅ A fully optimized 17-page website

Most websites only have two to five pages with little to no content or optimization. This is why no one visits your website and you don’t get any leads or customers. 

This is what a non-performing website looks like… 

We do the complete opposite of that. 

You’ll get a fully optimized, 17-page website that’s meant to rank on the first page of Google to generate you leads and customers. 

The goal is to create a powerful website that will produce results. 

It’ll look something more like this… 

Note: Some detailers won’t reach the 17-page mark due to the amount of service areas or service offerings in your business. That’s fine. 17-pages is simply the max you can get. 

Here’s the website you’ll have:

➡️ Homepage: The most important page on your website as it typically is the strongest of them all
➡️ 7 service pages: This is based on the service you offer now (or what you’ll offer in the future).
➡️ 5 service area pages: If you’re a mobile detailer, this is based on where you go to service your customers.
➡️ 4 general pages: These are pages we’re not trying to rank but you still need them. This would be your about us, contact us, reviews, and gallery pages.

How does the process work?

Most websites only have two to five pages with little to no content or optimization. This is why no one visits your website and you don’t get any leads or customers. 

This is what a non-performing website looks like… 

Once you sign up, i

We do the complete opposite of that. 

You’ll get a fully optimized, 17-page website that’s meant to rank on the first page of Google to generate you leads and customers. 

The goal is to create a powerful website that will produce results. 

It’ll look something more like this… 

Note: Some detailers won’t reach the 17-page mark due to the amount of service areas or service offerings in your business. That’s fine. 17-pages is simply the max you can get. 

Learn more about the service

What’s the difference between this and all of your other courses?

Detailers Growth Service is my highest-level service I offer to detailers. It’s a done-for-you service where we’ll do all the heavy lifting to market your business to get more leads and customers. On top of that, you also get access to all of my trainings so you can learn and implement systems into your business.

How much does it cost?

This is a 6-month program and the total price is $3,500 (next price increase will be $4,500). This is the total price you pay to sign up with us. You can pay in-full or a 4-installments of $875. I do it this way so you have a clear timeline and deliverable of what you’re getting.

How long does it take to get SEO results?

The reality is no one can guarantee you a specific timeline of results. I’ve worked with students in the past where they rank their website in three months and others where it takes twelve months. For me, when I started on my SEO, it took me nine months to see results.

That’s why you also get access to all of my trainings when you become a client. Depending on where you are in your business, you can implement the systems in the trainings to keep moving your business forward.

Do I have to run ads?

Within the six months that we work together, you can choose to run ads when you see fit. Whether that’s on the first month or fourth month, it’s totally up to you. There’s no additional price to do it. It’s already included in the service.

Note: Your ad spend is not included in this price. You ad budget is set by you. You can run $5/day ($150/month) to $100/day ($3,000/month). We’ll manage and optimize it for you.

Do I own my website or do I have to pay an additional fee?

Once payments are complete, you own your website outright. It may sound surprising, but other agencies won’t disclose that when you stop paying for their service, they keep your website. Then you’ll have to pay thousands of dollars to get it. You’re basically renting your own website without knowing.

Can I customize my website?

Yes, we have a starting theme you can choose from and then customize to fit your liking. That being said, we’re here to be fast, simple, and effective. We’re not going to wait weeks and weeks of revisions before the website goes live. We’ll take the website live and make the changes afterwards. 

What kind of results can I expect?

Results will vary from business to business. It’s as simple as that. Two of the same businesses, in the same area, offering the same kind of service, can have two completely different results.

It’s not just about getting leads. You have to take everything into consideration: 

What city are you in? What’s the population? How competitive is your market? What services do you offer? What are your price points? How do you pick up the phone? How many times do you follow up? How do you greet customers in person? Do you arrive on time?

There are all things that factor into what affects your business. The best thing you can do is optimize every part of your business to get the most out of it.

I already have a website from another agency. Can you work with the one I have? 

It depends. We use WordPress and Elementor to build the website. If your website it built on those two platforms, we might be able to do it. 

Anything other than that, we’ll have to start from scratch. We’d also have to transfer the hosting from whatever hosting platform you’re on to the one we use (WPEngine).

I don’t have a logo yet. Can I still make a website?  

Short answer: Yes.

Longer answer: If you want to actually grow your business, get customers and make money, then you need to prioritize the most important tasks. Waiting to get a sleek looking logo or nit-picking every color and font on your website are not high-value tasks. 

You have the advantage of being a small business. You can move fast, make quick decisions, and iterate on-the-fly. Your business needs to produce results and that doesn’t happen by focusing on the smaller tasks. You can always worry about that later down the road.

Detailers Growth Service Pricing

Here’s what you get: 

✅ Website design (up to 17 pages)
✅ SEO implementation
✅ Web maintenance and web hosting
✅ Google Business Profile, Google Analytics and Google Search Console setup and tracking
✅ Google Ads and Facebook ads campaign management (up to $3,000/month ad spend)
✅ 1-year access to my online trainings SEO For Detailers, Detailing as a Business, Social Media For Detailers, Six-Figure Email Templates, Smoke Odor Removal Training, and No Talk, Just Action.
✅ Monthly Loom video reviews and updates
✅ 6-month service

Total price: $3,500 (soon to be $4,500)
or 4-installments of $875

Ready to get started? Skip the line and signup here. 

Marketing by experience

Take some time to listen to my podcast where I talk about SEO, running ads, website design, and more. You’ll get a better understand of what we do.

Have a question? Send me a DM on Instagram

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